Mission Statement

All School programmes of both learning and enjoyment aim �To the Highest,� the motto of All Saints� which exemplifies its creed. The cadre of student leaders, House and Inter-School Competitions, exhibitions of Project work, Talent Search opportunities through music, dance, elocution, drama, sports, karate, quiz � programmes, are all part of the system that provides students, as well as their teachers and parents, with opportunities to become achievers and winners certainly, but also to feel the thrill of sharing more in the fellowship of participation and support than in winning, more in a sense of belonging and loyalty than in attainment, in mutual trust and co-operation that brings with it a feeling of pride and exhilaration for School, inculcates Patriotic sentiments and envisions National goals. It is therefore but natural for the students to be in the forefront in contributing to their country�s need to alleviate sufferings of the underprivileged, and in times of National crises, by sacrificing a material pleasure and earning their donations by doing a labour of love. The mindset that such attitudes and work develop is the hallmark of our ideal of true education.
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