The names of pupils who do not attend School after 10th July without intimation from their parents will automatically be deleted from the School register. The fees for July will have to be paid in lieu of the required notice period before a T.C. is issued. If re-admitted, admission fees will be charged anew.
One month's notice must be given before withdrawal of a pupil
from the Bus Service in lieu of which a month's fees will be charged.
All fees are subject to change at short notice, if required,
in accordance with and in proportion to increased payments to staff as per revised Government schedules, additional taxes imposed by the Government and increase in prices of essential commodities.
As Tuition and Transport fees go towards payments of salaries and Bus contracts respectively, there will be no concession in fees for interim holidays, enforced broken periods or early closure of Schools due to unforeseen circumstances.
Only caution money will be refundable in case Parents withdraw their ward after admission or in mid-session.
The original receipt of caution money must be submitted at the Fees Counter together with an application for the same.
Buses ply to and from the School. A list of stoppages and timings
can be obtained at the office for those who wish to avail of the Transport Service. Parents are requested not to ask for special facilities. They should ensure that the child is left and met at the proper stop on time. The authorities are not responsible once the child leaves the transport.
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